New enhanced diagnostic functionality is added to Syncsort™ MFX which provides debug information while running the sort. MFX captures the debug information and prints it to the allocated $ORTDIAG file that is created for each sort. This feature helps to prevent the need to re-run the sort when it fails, as well as gather the debug information.
As part of this functionality, the following new options are added:
ENHANCED = NO | YES : Allows MFX to determine whether to collect diagnostic information while the sort is running and display it in the case of a failure in MFX. This option is added to the SYNCMAC macro.
ENHANCED=NO/YES/FORCED : Indicates whether the enhanced debugging should be disabled (NO), enabled (YES), or the debugging information should always be captured and printed to a dynamically allocated $ORTDIAG file (FORCED). This option is added as a PARM option.Note: ENHANCED option can not be set to FORCED in SYNCMAC.
For more information, refer to the topic MFX PARM Options in Syncsort Programmers Guide and topic MFX Options in SYNCMAC in Syncsort™ MFX Installation.