Executing HISTOGRM through an E15 Exit - mfx - 3.1

Syncsort™ MFX Programmers Guide

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Syncsort™ MFX > MFX
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Programmer’s Guide
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Syncsort™ MFX
Syncsort™ MFX Programmers Guide
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It is possible to execute HISTOGRM during a sort by specifying an E15 exit in the MODS control statement and coding HISTE15 as the r value. This produces a printout of the HISTOGRM for Records at the conclusion of the job. (It is, however, not possible to get a printout of the HISTOGRM for Blocks when initiating HISTOGRM in this way.)

The following example shows a sample execution of HISTOGRM by an E15 exit during a sort.
Figure 1. Sample JCL/Control Stream for HISTOGRM Initiated by an E15 Exit

  1. SORTIN is a DD statement for MFX. It contains the data set that will be analyzed while it is being sorted. The data set name is VARDATA, and it is found on the standard labeled tape with the volume serial number 000001. The data set is already in existence. If SORTIN is not a standard label tape, DCB parameters must be specified. Note that RECFM must be either V, VB, or VBS.

  2. SORTOUT is a DD statement for MFX. It assigns the data set name SORTED.DATA to the output file, and specifies a 3490 tape unit with the volume serial number 000002. It is not yet in existence. The DCB parameters default to those of SORTIN.

  3. SORTWK01, SORTWK02, and SORTWK03 are DD statements for MFX. They reserve 20 cylinders of primary space, 10 cylinders of secondary space on direct access devices for intermediate storage.

  4. SYSOUT is a DD statement for MFX. It assigns the MFX messages to the output device associated with class A.

  5. The MODLIB DD statement is used to define the partitioned data set in which the HISTE15 program resides; MODLIB is referenced in the MODS control statement. The data set name is SYS1.SYNCLIB, and the DISP shows the library may be shared.

  6. The SYSIN DD * statement marks the beginning of the input stream that includes the sort control statements. The SORT control statement shows that one control field will be sorted on. It consists of bytes 4-13 of the record, contains character data, and is to be sorted in ascending order.

    The MODS control statement must specify an E15 exit as an exit-type parameter and give HISTE15 as the exit routine name. HISTE15 takes 5000 bytes of storage and resides in the main MFX library referenced here by a DD statement named MODLIB. The routine does not require link-editing during sort execution.

  7. SYSPRINT is the data set on which the printout from HISTE15 appears. Its DCB is: DCB=(LRECL=121,BLKSIZE=121,RECFM=F).

  8. The HISTIN DD statement is optional. It is used to override any default values. The following DCB parameter must be specified: DCB=(LRECL=80,RECFM= FB,BLKSIZE=80). (With HISTIN DD *, the DCB is not necessary.)

Defaults for HISTE15



DEVWK= The same SORTWK devices used in executing this sort.

KEYL= End of key field furthest into record for this sort.

BIGREC= 0 (This cannot be overridden.)

NOBLOCK (This cannot be overridden.)


NOBIGSTP (This cannot be overridden.)