This section briefly outlines the flow of control in the standard Disk Sort, incore sort, merge, and copy. It describes the order in which MFX will process and act on the PARMs, control statements and exit routines you have provided. Note that all executions begin with Phase 0 processing and that a given MFX execution will skip steps where appropriate (e.g., will skip a “Variable-length record sampling” step if sorting fixed-length records or HISTOGRM length values are supplied). No attempt has been made to indicate which steps are required of all Disk Sorts, incore sorts, etc., or to indicate the nature or timing of any abend processing.
Process PARMs, merging EXEC and $ORTPARM PARM specifications. The EXEC statement/invoking program’s parameter list overrides the installation defaults. $ORTPARM overrides the EXEC statement/invoking program’s parameter list.
Process control statements (from the $ORTPARM DD statement and either the SYSIN DD statement or the invoking program’s parameter list).
Link-edit user exits (if necessary).
- If COPY with JOINKEYS, GO TO ————————>