MFX will check each dictionary statement for errors. If an error is encountered, an error message will be generated. MFX stops scanning a dictionary statement at the first error, and resumes with the next dictionary statement.
Once an error has been detected, positions calculated with the use of an asterisk (*) for p or with the POSITION operator in subsequent dictionary statements will not be validated. If an error is detected in any dictionary statement, MFX will terminate processing after all dictionary statements are read.
If MFX detects an error in a control statement while substitution is taking place, it may respond in either of the following ways:
Print the statement that was in error, followed by a corresponding error message, then continue with the next statement and terminate when all substitutions have been completed.
Stop the substitution for the statement in error and continue processing, letting subsequent processing handle the error. If this occurs, the original field or constant_ name rather than the substituted value may be displayed in a translated statement.
If there are no errors during the substitution process, MFX will substitute values for field_names and constant_names wherever they are valid. If substituted values prove invalid for a particular statement or parameter, this situation will be detected after the substitution has been performed.