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Sort present records only. This instructs MFX to process only those records presently contained on the intermediate storage devices. The sort will receive message WER054I RCD IN xxxxxxxx, OUT yyyyyyyy if the data is read from SORTIN directly, or WER055I INSERT xxxxxxxx, DELETE yyyyyyyy if the data receives input exit (E14 or E15) or INCLUDE/OMIT processing. The message’s RCD IN or INSERT xxxxxxxx figure indicates how many records have been sorted. For a sort with no exits or INCLUDE/OMIT processing, the remaining records may be sorted by running another job using the SKIPREC=n parameter on the SORT control statement, skipping the xxxxxxxx number of records. The new sort will start just where the last one left off. The final output is obtained by running a MERGE with the two SORTOUT data sets. |
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Try to sort all records. This tells MFX to continue to read in records from the input data set. If there are very few records left, the sort may complete successfully. If there are too many records to continue the sort, MFX will terminate with a SORT CAPACITY EXCEEDED message. |
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Terminate MFX. MFX will terminate immediately with a SORT CAPACITY EXCEEDED message. |