Return Codes - mfx - 3.1

Syncsort™ MFX Programmers Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ MFX > MFX
Content type
Programmer’s Guide
Product name
Syncsort™ MFX
Syncsort™ MFX Programmers Guide
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Accept this record. This instructs MFX to accept the record the exit has just examined. Place the (work area) address of this record in Register 1. Exits using the 32-bit parameter list return a 31-bit address; exits using the 64-bit parameter list return a 64-bit address. This return code is used when selectively editing records from an input file; it passes the (possibly altered) record back to the sort. The RECORD statement is required if the exit routine changes the maxi­mum record length; code the old maximum length as l1, the new maximum as l2.


Delete this record. MFX will delete the record just examined. There is no need to load the address of this record into Register 1.


Do not return to this exit. This instructs MFX to close the exit for the remainder of the sort application. This return code might be used at SORTIN end-of-file (signalled by a zero address in the parameter list) to indicate that extra records will not be added at this point. There is no need to load a record address into Register 1 when passing a return code of 8. If SORTIN is present, the current input record and all subsequent records will be processed by MFX.


Insert a record. This tells MFX that the exit routine has located a record which should be added to the input data set before the record whose address appears in the parameter list. Load the address of the new record into Register 1. Exits using the 32-bit parameter list return a 31-bit address; exits using the 64-bit parameter list return a 64-bit address. When MFX returns control to the E15, the parameter list will be unchanged. The exit routine can then add another record or process the current one.

This return code can be used to add records to the end of the input data set or to create the entire input data set. MFX returns to the exit routine, adding records without changing the parameter list (in these cases, a zero address) until a dif­ferent return code (i.e., RC=8) is passed. When the input data set is created in this way, the RECORD statement is required and must specify both TYPE and LENGTH.


Terminate MFX. This tells MFX to terminate and return to the calling program or the supervisor. MFX uses a completion code of 16 to indicate that the sort was unsuccessful.