Disconnect E35. This instructs MFX to process any remaining
records without showing them to the E35 exit. Register 1 is ignored
for processing this return code.
When this return code is used at end-of-file (signalled by
EXIT-STATUS LAST-TIME), it indicates that the E35 is also finished
and will not add additional records. When used before end-of-file,
it indicates that MFX should process the "current" record passed to
the E35, and any subsequent records, as if there were no E35
present. Note that when MFX is not creating any output files
(SORTOUT or SORTOFxx) and E35 is the only "output," MFX terminates
immediately, since any subsequent records will never be seen. Also
note that if an XSUM or XDUP data set was being created, it will
only contain records generated prior to the return code of 8.