For optimal PARASORT performance, MFX must be able to read each SORTPARn input DD simultaneously, with no channel contention. To ensure this, your system programming staff may have defined special esoteric unit names for use with PARASORT. Before creating a PARASORT application, you should contact your system programmer to verify that this work has been done and that the special names are available for use. Note, however, that even if the work has been done, certain categories may be unavailable due to limited channel capacity.
- Decide whether you would like to specify 4-way (up to SORTPAR4), 3-way (up to SORTPAR3) or 2-way (up to SORTPAR2) input.
- In the table of special esoteric names provided by your systems programmer, find
the name that corresponds to the tape type of the SORTIN data sets.
The following is a sample table of special esoteric names. This table is for illustration only; the names at your site may be different.
Figure 1. Sample Esoteric Unit Name Table - Use the name from the table at your site for your SORTIN and SORTPARn names. The
following example JCL is for input from 3480 cartridges with at least 4 volumes:Figure 2. Sample JCL