The SORTDBIN DD statement is required for a DB2 query application. The data set defined by the SORTDBIN contains the SQL SELECT statement that describes the criteria of the query.
The SORTDBIN DD record format must be F or FB, and the record length must be 80.
The SORTDBIN data set must be formatted in accordance with the following rules:
Only a SELECT statement or $ELECT statement (for trial run described below) is accepted. Any other SQL statements will cause the job to terminate with a WER468A error message. For details on the facilities and syntax of a SELECT statement refer to the IBM publication DB2 Universal Database for z/OS SQL Reference (SC18-7426).
The maximum supported length of a SELECT statement for this feature is 32765 characters.
The SELECT statement may not use the '--' convention of two consecutive hyphens to denote that the remainder of a card image is a comment.
The SELECT statement may be terminated with a semicolon. Any characters found after the semicolon will be considered comments.
Only columns 1 through 72 of each record will be read. Columns 73 through 80 will be ignored.