Specify the XSUM parameter if you want records deleted by SUM processing to be written to a data set defined by the SORTXSUM DD statement. These records will be written to SORTXSUM at the time of SUM processing. The records will not undergo OUTREC, E35, and OUTFIL processing because such processing occurs after SUM processing.
The DCB BLKSIZE of the SORTIN data set will not be used to determine the BLKSIZE of the SORTXSUM data set. System determined blocksize will be used when enabled and appropriate. Unblocked output will be generated if system determined blocksize has been disabled and an explicitly specified blocksize has not been provided in the JCL.
The XSUM file will be sequenced in the same order as the SORTOUT file.
Note that XSUM may increase system requirements:
Adding XSUM to an existing sort application may result in an increase in the amount of SORTWORK space required. This occurs because XSUM delays all summing until Phase 3.
Adding XSUM to an existing MAXSORT application could cause the generation of additional intermediate output files (SORTOU00 or SORTOUnn). This occurs because XSUM delays SUM processing until the final MAXSORT merge pass.
XSUM may require additional main memory. Specify a region size of 512K or more.