The time of day data (TOD) and time of day data extended format (ETOD) created by the STCK or STCKE hardware instruction can be interpreted to produce several variations of date and time values. The formats DCn, TCn, DEn, and TEn specify what information is to be extracted from the TOD value and presented for use in an expression. This data can either be directly used for conversion to a printable value or another data format or used as an individual term in an expression. The system service STCKCONV is used to perform the conversion to the desired format.
The following table describes the available formats and the output format of the data that is extracted from the TOD or ETOD field. In all cases, the input is an 8-byte field. For TOD formats (DCn and TCn), the entire TOD field is used. For ETOD formats (DEn and TEn), the position specified should reflect the first 8 bytes of the ETOD field.
yyyy represents a four digit year.
mm represents the month (01-12).
dd represents the day of the month (01-31).
ddd represents the day of the year (001-366).
hh represents the hour (00-23).
mm represents the minutes (00-59).
ss represents seconds (00-59).
xx represents hundredths of a second (00-99).
The MFX predefined edit masks (M0-M26) or specified edit patterns can be used to edit the converted date and time. The default mask is M11.