This sample RECORD control statement defines the record as follows:
The file contains fixed-length records.
The input record length (l1) is 80 bytes.
A comma represents the omitted l2 value because an E15 exit does not change the record length.
The record length after INREC/OUTREC and/or E35 processing is 60 bytes. The SORTOUT LRECL should either be specified as 60 or omitted. If it is omitted, MFX will automatically supply the correct value.
This sample RECORD control statement defines the record as follows:
The file contains variable-length records. All length values include 4 bytes for the Record Descriptor Word.
The maximum input record length is 400 bytes.
The maximum record length after E15 processing is 300 bytes.
The maximum record length after INREC/OUTREC and/or E35 processing is 250 bytes.
The minimum record length is 120 bytes.
The most frequent record length is 200 bytes.
The average work space required for each record is 280 bytes, as reported by the HISTOGRM utility program.
The segment length recommended by HISTOGRM is 230 bytes.
In the above example, the l4, l5, l6 and l7 values will be ignored if the application is a merge or copy.