Rules for Specifying TRAILER Subparameters - mfx - 3.1

Syncsort™ MFX Programmers Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ MFX > MFX
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Programmer’s Guide
Product name
Syncsort™ MFX
Syncsort™ MFX Programmers Guide
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Observe the following guidelines when you specify TRAILER subparameters:

  • Separate fields with commas, except for /, where commas are optional.

  • Enclose literals in single quotes.

  • Specify blank fields of n bytes as nX.

  • If an MFX editing mask is used for totaled or subtotaled data (either by specification or by default), the length of the generated pattern will be determined based on the information provided in the table Output Display Lengths for TOTAL and SUBTOTAL, regardless of the actual length of the field being totaled or subtotaled. Use the LENGTH subparameter to override the length of the pattern.

  • For fixed-length records, trailers specified with fewer blanks than the logical record length (LRECL) of the output record are automatically padded on the right with blanks. 

  • If a trailer length exceeds the logical record length (LRECL) of the output record, MFX will issue the WER116A error message. If you do not wish to shorten the trailer, you can lengthen the record. For fixed-length output, use the OUTREC control statement or the OUTREC parameter to expand the output record length so that it is at least as long as the longest trailer (and header). For example, if the longest trailer is 115 characters and the output record length is 80 bytes, use the OUTREC control statement or the OUTREC parameter to insert a blank in position 115 of the output record. This will cause bytes 81 through 115 to be padded with blanks. For variable-length records, it is easiest to just change the LRECL on the output data set DD statement to match the length of the longest trailer (and header).

  • TRAILERn may not be used with the IFTRAIL parameter.