The OUTPUT parameter specifies that the OUTFIL data set will be written in a PDF, HTML or RTF format. The corresponding OUTFIL DD must define an HFS data set with the PATH, PATHOPTS and PATHMODE parameters. The data sets created can then be downloaded or e-mailed (using the OUTPUT EMAIL subparameter) to a platform that supports the viewing of these formats. If the file is downloaded, it must be downloaded as a binary file.
If the RECFM associated with the data set includes “A” for ANSI control characters, either due to OUTFIL report writing or because it was copied from the input RECFM, the only printer control characters reflected in the output will be blank, 0, - and 1. All other characters will be interpreted as blank, i.e. a new line. For HTML, whenever a ’1’ ANSI control character is encountered, a blank line will be generated before the record is written, except for the very first record.
The following DD statements can be added if you want to receive informational messages from the Java environment which is used to process PDF, RTF and HTML data sets.
An example illustrating the use of the OUTPUT parameter appears in Generating Several Output Files with Different Information.
Specifies the e-mail address of the sender as ‘name@domain’. |
TO |
Specifies one or more recipient e-mail addresses. The addresses should be separated by commas or semi colons. |
Specifies a ddname defining one or more z/OS data sets or an HFS file containing a list of e-mail addresses. Each line of a file can contain one or more complete e-mail addresses - i.e., an address cannot span multiple lines in a file. Each address (including the last one) must be followed by a semicolon or a comma. Characters after the last semicolon or comma in a line will be ignored. All lines of a file will be concatenated to form the address list. The address list for TO and TODD will be combined. |
CC | Specifies one or more recipient e-mail addresses. The addresses should be separated by commas or semi colons. |
CCDD | Specifies a ddname defining one or more z/OS data sets or an HFS file containing a list of e-mail addresses. Each line of a file can contain one or more complete e-mail addresses - i.e., an address cannot span multiple lines in a file. Each address (including the last one) must be followed by a semicolon or a comma. Characters after the last semicolon or comma in a line will be ignored. All lines of a file will be concatenated to form the address list. The address lists for CC and CCDD will be combined. |
BCC | Specifies one or more recipient e-mail addresses. The addresses should be separated by commas or semi-colons. |
BCCDD | Specifies a ddname defining one or more z/OS data sets or an HFS file containing a list of e-mail addresses. Each line of a file can contain one or more complete e-mail addresses - i.e., an address cannot span multiple lines in a file. Each address (including the last one) must be followed by a semicolon or a comma. Characters after the last semicolon or comma in a line will be ignored. All lines of a file will be concatenated to form the address list. The address lists for BCC and BCCDD will be combined. |
Specifies the text of the subject line of the e-mail. |
Specifies the text of the body of the e-mail. |
Specifies one or more recipient e-mail addresses. The addresses should be separated by commas or semi-colons. |
Specifies the name or IP address of the SMTP server that will be used to send the e-mail. This can used to override the system default. |
Specifies the TCP port number that will be used to relay the e-mail. The default is 25. |