MFX provides editing masks to simplify the more common editing operations.
If neither Mm nor EDIT is specified, M0 is used to edit BI, FI, FL, PD, PD0, ZD, and CSF/FS fields and M11 is used to edit DTn, DCn, DEn, TMn, TCn, and TEn fields.
The letter d represents the number of resulting digits after data conversion. The mask patterns in the Pattern column shows the resulting digits when the number of digits is 15. (See the table Data Conversion Table ). When the number of digits to be displayed is greater than 15, the masks will be extended on the left with the required digit selectors and constant characters.
The bracket symbols indicate that only the integer part of this division should be retained.
The table Editing Masks illustrates the following for each of the available masks.
Edit pattern.
Leading or trailing signs, where appropriate.
Length. If an MFX editing mask is used for totaled or subtotaled data, the length of the output field is determined from the length of the field and by using the table Output Display Lengths for TOTAL and SUBTOTAL, not by the specified length of the input field. The subparameter LENGTH can be used to override the length of the output field.
The edit patterns use the same symbolic letters used in the EDIT subparameter. Leading insignificant digits are represented by the letter I; significant digits are represented by the letter T. Leading or trailing sign replacement characters are represented by the letter S. All other characters print as they appear in the pattern.
The SIGNS illustrated for each mask follow the format requirements of the SIGNS subparameter. You can specify the SIGNS subparameter to selectively override the signs for a particular mask. For example, if you specify mask M4 and also specify SIGNS=(' '), a leading blank will print instead of a plus sign if the number is positive. However, a leading minus sign will print if the number is negative because the leading negative sign specified in the editing mask has not been overridden.
The lengths in the table represent the length, in bytes, of the mask. The lengths of masks M0-M5 and M10-M26 are determined, in part, by the number of digits d. See the table Data Conversion Table to determine the number of digits for each type of numeric field.