Use the LENGTH=n subparameter to alter the default length of the output field data. The maximum value which can be specified for n is 44.
When an editing mask is used, the default length is determined by the edit pattern and the format of the field. If LENGTH=n is not specified, the length is equal to the number of characters specified in the edit pattern. If LENGTH=n is specified, the edit pattern will either be truncated on the left or padded with blanks on the left so that the length of the pattern equals the n value.
The maximum value that can be specified for n when editing masks are used is 44.
When output data format fo is used, the default length is determined based on the expression characteristics. For more information, see How to Convert Numeric Data. If LENGTH=n is specified, the output data will either be truncated on the left or padded on the left with zeros (or blanks for CSF/FS) of the appropriate format to a length of n. For FD output format, only 4, 8 or 16 may be specified for the length.
For other output formats, the maximum value that can be specified for n when an output data format fo is used is 44.