An E15 exit is the first exit routine. ADDREC1 is the member name of the routine, which requires 600 bytes in main storage and resides in a library referenced by the DD statement named MODLIB. The routine does not require link-editing.
An E25 exit is the second exit routine. ALTREC is the member name of the routine which requires 500 bytes in main storage. The exit is included in the SYSIN input stream. Because N is not specified, this routine will be link-edited.
An E35 exit is the third exit routine. ADDREC2 is the member name of the routine, which requires 600 bytes in main storage and resides in a library referenced by the DD statement named MODLIB. This routine is a COBOL exit which has been link-edited before execution time.
Examples of JCL-initiated applications with exit routines are illustrated in JCL and Sample JCL/Control Statement Streams.