For non-MAXSORT applications, up to 255 data sets may be specified for intermediate storage when sorting. (MAXSORT, which is recommended for large sorting applications, is limited to 32 SORTWK data sets.) Each work file carries a SORTWKxx or SORTWKx name.x can be any alphanumeric or national ($, #, @) character. Each SORTWKxx or SORTWKx must be allocated on a single unit and a single volume and should have a unique name. For example, SORTWK01, SORTWK02, etc. SORTWK data sets must have physical sequential organization and cannot be extended sequential. For performance reasons, the use of VIO for SORTWK data sets is not recommended.
You can specify 3380 and/or 3390 disk devices. When device types are mixed, each device is used to full capacity. Note that although SORTWK space can be allocated in blocks, tracks, or cylinders, allocating in cylinders will yield optimal performance. The CONTIG option of the SPACE parameter should be avoided since it may delay allocation and offers no performance advantage.