MFX’s job control statements follow the standard operating system conventions described in the z/OS job control language manuals. Each program application therefore requires a JOB statement, an EXEC statement, and a DD (data definition) statement for every data set used. (The single exception to this is the dynamic allocation of work files via DYNALLOC or DYNATAPE.) The inclusion and coding requirements of particular job control statements depend on such factors as whether MFX is program-invoked or initiated directly, whether any exits are coded, and, of course, whether the sorting technique requested is Disk Sort, MAXSORT, or PARASORT.
All aspects of program initiation which are specific to the sort/merge (such as the dedicated DD names SORTIN and SORTOUT) are documented in this section. For complete coding instructions, refer to a z/OS MVS JCL reference manual. Product is compatible with data sets allocated on Extended Address Volumes (EAV), where a volume has more than 65,520 cylinders.
The following table summarizes MFX’s DD statement requirements.