The 31-Bit Extended Parameter List - mfx - 3.1

Syncsort™ MFX Programmers Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ MFX > MFX
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Programmer’s Guide
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Syncsort™ MFX
Syncsort™ MFX Programmers Guide
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The extended parameter list allows the sort to interface with invoking programs that may require 31-bit addresses or which may use the 31-bit addressing mode (AMODE).

Only the first word of the extended parameter list is required. The high order bit must be zero to identify this as a 31-bit parameter list. The subsequent words of this list are optional, and because there is no code in the high order byte, as in the 24-bit parameter list, their positional order must be maintained. Thus, when coding the list be sure to code a fullword of zeros when omitting one of the optional parameters. The last parameter word specified in the list must be followed by the 4-byte field X'FFFFFFFF'.

The 31-bit parameter list has the following format:
Figure 1. 31-Bit Extended Parameter List

Note: d indicates a bit is immaterial and not examined.

The following table provides an explanation of the contents of the extended parameter list.

Table 1. Explanation of the Contents of the 31-Bit Extended Parameter List




(Required) First word of the parameter list. The high order bit must be zero to identify this as an extended parameter list. The other 31 bits contain the address of a halfword which contains the length of the following control statement images. A value of 0 (zero) represents a null list and control statement images must be supplied through the $ORT­PARM DD statement.


(Optional) Address of the E15 or E32 exit routine. This address may point anywhere in memory. The m bit (bit 0) means: 0=Enter the exit with 24-bit addressing in effect (AMODE 24); 1=Enter the exit with 31-bit addressing in effect (AMODE 31).


(Optional) Address of the E35 exit routine. This address may point anywhere in memory. The m bit (bit 0) means: 0=Enter the exit with 24-bit addressing in effect (AMODE 24); 1=Enter the exit with 31-bit addressing in effect (AMODE31).


(Optional) User exit address constant which can be used to pass information between the invoking program, an E15 exit routine, and/or an E35 exit routine. MFX passes these 4 bytes to an E15 exit routine at offset 4 in an E15 parameter list and/or to an E35 exit rou­tine at offset 8 in an E35 parameter list.


(Optional) Address of ALTSEQ translation table. It can point anywhere in memory and has a length of 256 bytes.


(Optional) If non-zero, the address of a 112-byte STAE work area.


(Optional) Address of the E18 exit routine. This address may point anywhere in memory. The m bit (bit 0) means: 0=Enter the exit with 24-bit addressing in effect (AMODE 24); 1= Enter the exit with 31-bit addressing effect (AMODE 31).


(Optional) Address of the E39 exit routine. This address may point anywhere in memory. The m bit (bit 0) means: 0=Enter the exit with 24-bit addressing in effect (AMODE 24); 1= Enter the exit with 31-bit addressing in effect (AMODE 31).


(Optional) Four displayable characters that will uniquely identify this particular call to MFX. (When this parameter is provided, MFX produces the WER428I message and includes these four characters in the text. This message facilitates correlation of message output when MFX is called multiple times by the same program.)


(Required) The last parameter word specified in the list must be X'FFFFFFFF', which indicates end of list. If optional entries are omitted, this end-of-list indicator is moved up to the word immediately after the last specified parameter.

Note: An optional parameter becomes required if a subsequent parameter is to appear.