Writing a Title Page for a Report - mfx - 3.1

Syncsort™ MFX Programmers Guide

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Syncsort™ MFX > MFX
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Programmer’s Guide
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Syncsort™ MFX
Syncsort™ MFX Programmers Guide
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How Do I
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Example: Marketing wants a title page for its monthly departmental sales report. The three-line title will begin on line 16 and three blank lines will separate each line of the title. The three lines will start printing in columns 49, 59, and 63, respectively.

To print this title page, the following is coded:

Figure 1. JCL and Required Control Statements

The following figure shows the header that is generated by the above HEADER1 parameter:

Figure 2. Sample HEADER1

Explanation: The HEADER1 parameter produces a header that will print on a separate page, with no page number, at the beginning of the report. The first number-slash (n/) entry, 15/, causes the printer to skip 15 lines before printing. The following number-colon entry (c:), 49:, specifies the column in which the literal string 'D E P A R T M E N T A L   S A L E S' begins to print. Note that the literal string prints exactly as it is entered between the single quotes, with a space between each letter and a double space between the words.

The next entry, 4/, causes the printer to skip 3 more blank lines before starting to print the literal string 'F E B R U A R Y' in column 59.

Finally, three more lines are left blank (4/) and the literal string '2 0 0 4' begins printing in column 63.