Example: Marketing wants the last line on every page of its departmental-sales report to contain a note identifying the information as confidential. This line will begin printing in column one.
Explanation: The TRAILER2 coded above provides a trailer that appears at the bottom of every logical page. The first entry, 5'*', a literal enclosed in single quotes (in this case an asterisk) and a repetition factor (5), specifies that 5 asterisks should be printed. Because no column was specified, the trailer begins in column one. The next entry, 'C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N ', specifies that the literal string enclosed in the single quotes should directly follow the asterisks. Note that the literal string is printed exactly as it is coded within the quotation marks. That is, there is a blank between every letter and two blanks between each word. The trailer’s other entries specify the printing of another five asterisks followed by the literal string 'C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N ' and finally another five asterisks.