All pertinent information (listings, dumps, maintenance level, SVC number, etc.) should be available for easy reference when contacting Precisely Support. For error conditions producing the WER999A message, the system dump and/or MFX SNAP dump will prove helpful to an MFX analyst.
When running with Enhanced Diagnostics active by specifying ENHANCED=YES in SYNCMAC or passing ENHANCED=YES or ENHANCED=FORCED as a PARM, retain the output in the dynamically allocated $ORTDIAG file or files in the case of a JOIN process. This information may be sufficient for Precisely Support to determine the problem without requiring a re-run of the sort.
For other conditions cited with an “A” class message (e.g., WER039A INSUFFICIENT VIRTUAL STORAGE), additional diagnostic information may be required – a diagnostic SNAP dump can be produced by passing the DEBUG PARM in the $ORTPARM DD statement or (for a JCL sort) in the // EXEC statement. When using DEBUG, supply a SPYSET or SYSUDUMP DD statement to define an appropriate SYSOUT data set for the dump. If the problem occurs in an application using the OUTFIL OUTPUT feature, add the following DD statements in addition to the DEBUG PARM:
To get an accurate screen display of the maintenance level and SVC number, you must determine
whether the operating system found SYNCSORT in the link list concatenation or found it
in a STEPLIB concatenation. For link listed modules issue the command TSO SYNCLEVL from
an ISPF session active on the system where the problem occurred. Otherwise, use the
command TSO CALL ‘your.steplib(SYNCLEVL)
’ substituting the library name
that caused the problem.