The following notational conventions are observed in this manual:
- Braces ( { } ) indicate that a choice must be made among the alternatives listed.
- Brackets ( [ ] ) indicate an optional item. Two or more items in brackets are mutually exclusive options; only one can be chosen for a particular application.
- Defaults are underlined.
- Upper-case letters and numbers, commas, equal signs, and parentheses must be entered exactly as indicated. Lower-case letters represent variables, which must be replaced by actual values.
- Subscripts show position in a series, and three dots indicate an ellipsis.
For example, a1,a2,...,a5 is equivalent to a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 and represents five “a” items (variables which will be replaced with actual values). Examples, which may be entered exactly as shown, are presented in typeface as follows: