SMF Option - mfx - 3.1

Syncsort™ MFX Installation

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ MFX > MFX
Product name
Syncsort™ MFX
Syncsort™ MFX Installation
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The SMF option controls the MFX SMF facility. This facility allows MFX to generate a user SMF record at the end of each MFX execution to describe how MFX ran. Information such as how much data was sorted, how much virtual storage was used, and how much disk space was allocated is collected. This data can be used to improve the efficiency of subsequent runs of the same sort application.   

Specify SMF=ON if you want MFX SMF records to be generated. The default is SMF=OFF, which means that no MFX SMF records will be generated.   

Use nnn to give an SMF record type number to the MFX SMF record. Specify a decimal number from 128 to 255. If you do not specify a number, 208 will be used.   

If S (the default) is specified, MFX will issue the SMFWTM SVC to write the SMF records to the system SMF data set.   

If P is specified, MFX will write to the data set defined by the $ORTSTAT DD statement, which must be included in the JCL stream of every sort for which SMF records are to be obtained.   

If D is specified, MFX will attempt to write to the data set normally defined by a $ORTSTAT DD statement. If a $ORTSTAT DD statement is not present, MFX will dynamically allocate that DD statement, using the data set name SYS1.SYNCSMF. A data set named SYS1.SYNCSMF must have been previously allocated and catalogued. MFX SMF records will then be written to SYS1.SYNCSMF.   

The STATREC option allows you to tell MFX to generate a formatted report from its SMF records. See STATREC Option.