MSG Option - mfx - 3.1

Syncsort™ MFX Installation

Product type
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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ MFX > MFX
Product name
Syncsort™ MFX
Syncsort™ MFX Installation
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The MSG option allows you to indicate where messages are to be routed.   

AB causes all messages to be routed both to the message data set and to the console.   

AC causes all messages to be routed to the console but none to the message data set.   

AP causes all messages to be routed to the message data set but none to the console. This is the default.   

CB causes only critical messages to be routed both to the message data set and to the console.   

CC causes only critical messages to be routed to the console but none to the message data set.   

CP causes only critical messages to be routed to the message data set but none to the console.   

NO causes no messages to be routed to either the message data set or to the console.   

PC causes all messages to be routed both to the message data set and to the console.   

SC causes only critical messages to be routed to the console but all messages to the message data set.   

SP causes only critical messages to be routed to the message data set but all messages to the console.   

Note: If no messages are to be routed to the message data set (options AC, CC, and NO), the MFX header lines and user control statements will also not be written. This condition is handled differently for BetterGener. See MSGGENR Option below in this guide.