The IOERR option controls error handling when there is an I/O error.
If IOERR=ABE is specified and an I/O error occurs, MFX will issue user abend 999 and produce a dump instead of a return code 16 or a user abend 16. A WER061A error message will also be routed to the console in addition to the normal destination for messages.
The default is IOERR=NOABE (or NOIOERR). If one of these is specified, MFX will terminate with a return code of 16 when I/O errors occur if RC16=NOABE has also been specified. Otherwise, the sort will issue a user abend 16.
If IOERR=NOSNAP is specified and an I/O error occurs, MFX will issue user abend 999 but not produce a dump unless DEBUG is specified. This is in place of a return code 16 or user abend 16. A WER061A error message will also be routed to the console in addition to the normal destination for messages.