Certain IEBGENER job streams are not eligible for MFX processing. For instance, IEBGENER SYSIN control statements are not supported by MFX. Under such circumstances, SYNCGENR will transfer control to IEBGENR, which is the standard alias for IEBGENER.
BetterGener will also process applications not supported by IEBGENER. Automatic padding of fixed-length records and truncation of fixed and variable-length records will be done when necessary, based upon SYSUT2 LRECL. Incomplete SYSUT2 DCB specifications will be processed consistent with MFX use. This means that output data set DCB attributes will always be well defined, which is not always true when IEBGENER is used. Support for VSAM data sets is also provided.
BetterGener may require approximately 200K more memory than IEBGENER.