There are five MFX default options specifically designed for BetterGener. Further information and the syntax of these options can be found in Default Options chapter above. The five options are:
- MSGGENR indicates where messages are to be routed.
- SDBGENR controls the use of system determined blocksize for SYSUT2.
- UNINTGN indicates how an uninitialized SYSUT1 data set is to be processed.
- SOPADGN specifies the action to be taken in BetterGener applications if the LRECL defined in the JCL for SYSUT2 is larger than the SYSUT1 LRECL or the internally processed record length when the SYSUT1 LRECL is modified by features.
- SOTRNGN specifies the action to be taken in BetterGener applications if the LRECL defined in the JCL for SYSUT2 is smaller than the SYSUT1 LRECL or the internally processed record length when the SYSUT1 LRECL is modified by features.