If you are upgrading to the current version of Syncsort™ Capacity Management and have a backlog of historic data that needs to be summarized due to not recently running Data Management on Integrator data, the new Data Summarizer has the capability of clearing this backlog. This does take time, however, and if you are using the Full Recovery Model for the database, there is the risk that the transaction log will experience a potentially hazardous surge in growth during this process if you have a limited amount of space for this file. Therefore, Precisely advises monitoring the size of the transaction log and performing regular full or transaction log backups to reduce the log file size regularly.
It may also be prudent to turn the Data Summarizer Actions on gradually. In this case, you must turn on the options in this order: Deletion, Daily Aggregation, and then Hourly Aggregation. This will limit the amount of data that is modified during each for the first few runs of Data Summarizer, thereby reducing the impact on the log file in a single run.