This document provides detailed information on the new features and functionalities of Syncsort™ Capacity Management.
The complete set of user documentation has been updated to reflect changes made. Before installation or upgrade, pay particular attention to the Requirements topic in the Syncsort™ Capacity Management Guide.
You cannot upgrade older versions (earlier than v12.00) of Syncsort™ Capacity Management or Athene to this version of Syncsort™ Capacity Management. You must uninstall and install the new version as a fresh install. See the topic Upgrading Syncsort™ Capacity Management in the Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide for details.
The following software must be manually removed prior to installing:
Signing Time
Athene Integrator (pre-Athene 9.00 release)
You must keep the installed versions of the Core (including the Concentrator), the Portal, and the Job Scheduler components at the same release level.