Log File Location and Name
The default location that the Control Center log file is written to depends on the version of Syncsort Capacity Management being used.
where %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is for example: C:\ProgramData
The name of the log file is:
ControlCenter-<server name>- YYYY-MM-DD-HH.log
If for any reason the log file cannot be found at the expected location, its location can be determined by examining the registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Metron\Shared\Application Data
This key holds the path to where the Logs folder is held.
The Control Center logging level is forced to Verbose, giving maximum information for any troubleshooting or problem diagnosis. To minimise disk requirements due to the increase in message volume, the log files are created on an hourly basis and completed files are compressed. At the end of each day, the log files are consolidated into a single folder within the specified log location, called:
<Server Name>-YYYY-MM-DD_Log