As it is being copied from a target system, an incoming data file is written to a subfolder of the directory:
Subfolder names are described below, in the section appropriate to the particular data type (Windows, UNIX etc).
The only exceptions are that data from a z/OS or a z/VM system is written directly into the tgtnnnnnnnn folder, not into a subfolder.
Once the file transfer is complete, this folder is renamed to:
Control Center then picks up the file and transfers it to the folder:
Each of the tgt… folders has subfolders for particular data types.
When the file has been processed, it is deleted.
If a file cannot be processed for any reason, it is moved to the folder:
Details of why a file cannot be processed are recorded in the Control Center Log (see below). If you can work out why the file was not processed (and can rectify this), you can get Control Center to re-process the file by manually copying it to the appropriate sub-folder of the tgtnnnnnnnn directory.