Event log messages - syncsort_capacity_management - Latest

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Guide

Product type
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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Guide
First publish date
Last edition
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In the very rare circumstances any of the above messages cannot be written to the s_ControlCenterEventLog database table for any reason then an attempt is made to write them to the application event log. If any of these errors occur then send Support the Syncsort™ Capacity Management Diagnostics.

Here is a list of all errors that are always written to the application event log:



Control Center failed while continuing. Use \”net stop ControlCenter\” to stop Control Center.

Control Center failed to continue after a pause request.

Error during Stop

Control Center failed to stop cleanly.

Error writing stop time to database

Error when updating s_ControlCenter with time the Control­Center was stopped.

Error writing Target Number Map

Error when writing sysinumMap.txt for Push Acquires.

Error writing Push APMConfg

Error when writing Push Acquire.

Error reading installation targets


Error reading installation view

Error reading legacy target details.

Error updating Windows data

Catch all error when updated Windows data into the Capacity Database.

Error parsing Windows Data

Catch all if error when parsing Windows data is not a decompression error.

Error parsing text data

Error reading VMWarePV data. PDBUpdateError already logged.

Error parsing DataSet data

Error reading VMWare xml data. PDBUpdateError already logged.

Error queuing timed jobs

Error when timer goes off and jobs queue.

Error reading Configuration Data

Catch all error when reading the configuration data.

Event error. <Name of job>


Serious event error.

Error running a particular job.

Error deleting alerts and events

Error deleting old s_ControlCenterAlertLog and s_Control­CenterEventLog records.

Critical error initialising Control Center.

Failure to initialize the control center service.

Error reading Control Center field <field name> value (<field value>)

A configuration table is corrupt.

Unsupported TargetType: <target type>

s_Target table is corrupt

Error reading target data TargetID <TargetID> field <field­name> value (<value>)

s_Target table is corrupt

Error reading collection profile CollectionID <Collec­tionID> field <field name> value (<field value >)

s_CollectionProfile is corrupt

Error reading Integrator template AgentTypeID <AgentTy­peID>

Integrator Templates are corrupt

"Error reading s_Connection for ConnectionID <Connec­tionID> field <field name> value (<field value >)

s_Connection table is corrupt

Error decrypting AuthValue for ConnectionID <field value >

Password decryption failure

Error reading Capture Objects

a_CaptureProfile is corrupt

Unable to load Standard Templates

One or more CC Standard Templates corrupt or not matching this CC version.


Failure to move files from In to Seen.

If however, there is an error writing to the application event log then one of the fol­lowing messages will be added to the Control Center log file:




Error opening event log.

Control Center is unable to open the event log.

If this occurs, then make sure the Control Center user has permissions to write to the application event log.

Error writing event log.

An error occurred trying to write to the event log.

If this occurs, then empty the event log and if possible make it bigger.