<Target Name and Number> JCFP: Running.
Starting Concentrator File Push Job
<Target Name and Number> JCFP: Found <n> file(s).
Logging the number of files that need to be pushed
<Target Name and Number> JCFP: Pushing x file(s)
Logging the number of files being pushed
<Target Name and Number> JCFP: No files to push.
Logging when there are no files to push
<Target Name and Number> JCFP: Renaming Successfully pushed
Logging when files are renamed
<Target Number and Name>: Unable to move acquire file to
'rename path'.
Concentrator is unable to move files into the Seen folder.
Check permissions on the Seen folder.
<Target Number and Name>: Deleting duplicate acquire file
to 'rename path'.
Concentrator deletes any duplicate files from the Seen folder.
This folder is used as a repository for files that need to be
sent to the Control Center. This error can occur in the unlikely
event of a file being collected from the acquire twice.
<Target Name and Number> JCFP: No files to rename
Logging when files are renamed
<Target Name and Number> JCFP: Error Pushing Acquire Files
from concentrator: <error details>
Concentrator: Error pushing Acquire files to the Control Center.
Contact Support.
<Target Name and Number> JCFP: Complete.
Ending Concentrator File Push Job
IntegratorTemplateController Get Failed to locate template with
TemplateDetailsId = <TemplateID>
Error occurred attempting to get the Integrator Template details
from the Control Center. Contact Support.
Https Template Retriever: No matching template found on the
server with a template details Id of <TemplateID>
An Integrator Collection is being attempted but the Integrator
Template cannot be collected on the Server. Contact Support.