Error message examples - syncsort_capacity_management - Latest

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Guide

Product type
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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Guide
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Remedial Action

Control Center Lurking following Serious Error…

Something has caused an error that the Control Center cannot deal with.

The cause can be any number of things, and can be determined by reading up from the ‘lurking’ message for the previous error reported on the same thread (i.e., t number).

The Control Center continues to try and function and following the ‘lurking’ period will retry its previous action. Sometimes the wait may have caused the error to clear (e.g., in the case of locks, or database response times), other times the error will persist and the lurking period will be extended

If the issue that caused the lurking mes­sage is resolved during the wait, then no further action is required. The message can simply be ignored.

If, however, the error persists, it is necessary to understand the cause of the problem.

If a call is being reported to Precisely, Precisely Support will require the Diagnostics utility to be run against this Control Center and the output uploaded to an FTP user id that will be provided to you.

Control Center Target license count exceeded. Capacity Database Updating suspended.

Self explanatory. The number of targets being processed by the Control Center has exceeded the number permitted according to the installations licensing data.

Contact Precisely Support in order to acquire additional licenses if necessary.


Remove some targets until within license count again.

Note: All Capacity Databases: Processing stops once any license count has been exceeded, not just processing of those that exceed the license count.

Error writing event log. [The event log file is full]

The Windows Application Event log is full

Empty the Windows event log and make it bigger, if possible.

FTP protocol error [425 Can’t open data connection.]

Self explanatory. The Control Center cannot connect to the specified Target via FTP.

The details of the connection are provided in a secondary element of the Error message, such as:

[2056 <45583656> FTP connection to '']

Try connecting to the Target outside of Syncsort Capacity Management.

Once connectivity can be achieved outside of Syncsort™ Capacity Management, ensure that Control Center has the necessary permissions etc.

[The system cannot find the path specified.  ]

[Get from 'APMversion' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Appli­cation Data\Met­ron\Work\In\tgt00000018.metron \bin\cAPMver­sion']

As part of the Acquire Auto Update functionality, the Control Center looks for the version of the currently installed Acquire as it collects data from a Target.

This error is reported if the Control Center is unable to access the location where the version number is held.

Note: The Control Center should only try and get this information for Syncsort™ Capacity Management Acquires, not third party products such as AIX Toolbox or Tivoli, etc.


Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

The SQL Server command that the Control Center is trying to execute has not completed within the permitted execution time. This could be for a number of reasons, including:

SQL Server resource being consumed by alter­native tasks

Network issues meaning slower data transfer

Unsupported SQL Server version.

Syncsort™ Capacity Management is not sup­ported on Personal or desktop editions of SQL Server

Following a timeout, the Control Center will ‘Lurk’ (See above) before retrying. If the server was busy, the lurk period may mean that the SQL command now completes in an acceptable timeframe.

If it doesn’t and timeouts continue, contact Precisely Support.


You will need to run the Diagnostics utility and provide Support with the output uploaded to an FTP user id that will be provided to you. When we have reviewed that we may also ask you for an SQL Profiler trace.