If you are unable to resolve a problem, a Precisely technical support representative can help guide you to a solution. To open a Support case, go to Contact Support. When you contact Precisely technical support, please have the following information ready:
- A description of the task you were performing.
- All the related information, such as, steps to reproduce the problem, error messages, environmental details, version of Syncsort Capacity Management/or Acquire, and log files.
Reporting complete details to Technical Support will help you and the technical support representative resolve the problem quickly. Refer to the Troubleshooting section in this document to gather the necessary information before reaching out to Support.
When a call has been raised and you are asked, or want, to send in data using the FTP site, you must ask Precisely Support for a data transfer user id to be set up. Once completed, you will receive an email providing you with the URL, the user id, and the password. The user id will be the same as the call ID; for example, CAS-180605-000002.
Additionally, use the Precisely Knowledge Base link on the Contact Support page to access information about product enhancements, product defects and topics of interest.