The pacct file (<pacct file name>) does not exist.
Is accounting switched on ?
Meaning: Acquire has been configured to capture user data. The script checks for the existence of the Process Accounting file (pacct),usually in /var/adm or /var/account. If no pacct file is found these messages are displayed
APMst.user contains a bad status: <value>
User monitoring is being marked as switched off.
Meaning: The script checks what was the last state of process accounting, either “active” or “inactive”. Anything else will display these messages
Error: Error Condition Detected
pacctcopy failed (pacct), error message.
Meaning: This message indicates that capture of process accounting data has failed, perhaps because of a permissions error
The APMconfg file isn’t complete.
I have tried to read it <n> times, pausing 2 seconds each time.
Meaning: Either the APMconfg file might be updated when the Acquire reads it or it might not be complete