You are running as root.
The Metron scripts must NOT be run under root.
Meaning: Self explanatory - the Acquire must not run as a root user
The APMconfg file doesn’t exist.
Is this script being run from the capture agent’s home directory?
Meaning: Self explanatory - the Acquire checks for a valid APMconfg file and if it cannot find one it will output this message
The APMconfg file isn’t complete.
I have tried to read it <n> times, pausing 2 seconds each time.
Meaning: Either the APMconfg file might be updated when the Acquire reads it or it might not be complete
The Symfoware Parameters file cannot be seen
Please set up lib and bin path of this symfoware rdb
by running scr/ script
Meaning: Self explanatory - the Acquire checks for a valid Symfoware parameters and cannot find it.
The creation of the directory $MyHome/symfoware failed
Please refer to your System Administrator
Meaning: the Acquire checks to see if the symfoware directory is present and attempts to create it if it doesn’t exist. If the creation fails it will output this message. It is likely to be permission problems, or a bad path.