Wrong number of arguments, try the -x option.
Meaning: you gave an incorrect number of arguments
Error in option '-<opt>' argument '<value>', not an integer
Meaning: You gave a bad <value> to command line option -<opt>.
Out of dynamic memory, initialisation
Error, Out of memory
Meaning: The program ran out of memory when initialising.
Error, argument to -g must be a number
Meaning: You gave a bad <value> to command line option -g (grace seconds) option.
Error, argument to -u must be a number 0..<value>
Meaning: You gave a bad <value> to command line option -u (Urgency) option.
Warning, duration is <value>, max is <max value>
Meaning: Duration value is larger than the maximum value
Can’t open crontab file <file_name>: <REASON>
Meaning: Unable to open the named crontab file
Out of dynamic memory, <crontab_file> line <line_num>
Meaning: The program ran out of memory when reading a line of crontab
Error in crontab file <crontab_file>, line <line_num>
Meaning: A line in crontab is not as expected
Error in crontab file <crontab_file>, range check, line <line_num>
Error, number <value> should be in the range <min_value>..<max_value>
crontab <crontab_file> line <line_num>
Meaning: A line in crontab does not have values within the correct range
Error in crontab <crontab_file>, too many times, line <line_num>
Meaning: A line in crontab has too many entries
Error in crontab file <crontab_file>, bad format/number, line <line_num>
Meaning: A line in crontab has an entry with a bad number format
Error, expecting comma in crontab <crontab_file> line <line_num>
Meaning: A line in crontab is missing a comma in the expected location
Error, expecting \"inactive\" or \"active\" in crontab <crontab_file> line<line_num>
Meaning: A line in crontab does not have the expected format
Error, bad or missing duration in crontab <crontab_file> line <line_num>
Meaning: A line in crontab does not have a duration value
Error can’t open lock file <lock_file> as <REASON>
Meaning: Unable to open a lock file (a lock file is used to ensure that only one version of newcron is running at any one time; the lock file contains the PID for the newcron that created it.)
Error closing the lock file <lock_file>: <REASON>
Meaning: failed to close a lock file (possibly because we couldn’t flush the buffer for some reason)
Error can’t interpret contents of lock file <lock_file>
Meaning: cannot read the contents of a lock file (we need to read the PID from the lock file so that we can kill the other instance of newcron already running)
Error can’t kill process <PID> as <REASON>
Meaning: cannot kill the PID defined in the existing lock file
Error removing the lock file <lock_file>: <REASON>
Meaning: cannot read the contents
After <number> new starts nothing acceptable found
Meaning: we have not found a suitable time to install the new collection profile