This section describes how to use the Syncsort™ Capacity Management Groups Application to group z/OS jobs into applications based on their job name and/or type.
Your z/OS job detail information can be grouped into applications and reported on in the Syncsort™ Capacity Management Portal based on their job name and/or job type (APPC, JOB, OMVS, STC, TSU).
This allows you to:
More easily locate a job for addition in a report.
Create a group that includes all jobs that meet a certain set of criteria.
Provide a summary of all jobs in one or more applications.
Updates to the criteria are applied whenever a report is displayed for example:
As new job data is added to the database if it meets the criteria it will automatically be included in the report when it is next displayed.
Changes to the criteria are automatically applied to existing reports when they are next displayed.