A user with admin privileges is required to import the files. To import the
files, do the steps that follow:
- Go to the ServiceNow Management page.
- Go to the em_match_rule table.
- Enter the List View.
- Click Name to display the Column Options drop-down menu.
- Select Import XML.
- Go to the location on the disk where you have saved ‘Syncsort Capacity Management SNOW Event Rules.xml’.
- Click import/upload.
Import Event Rule Details
- Go to the ServiceNow Management page.
- Go to the em_compose_field table.
- Enter the List View.
- Click Name to display the Column Options drop-down menu.
- Select Import XML.
Go to the location on the disk where you have saved ‘Syncsort Capacity Management SNOW Event Rules.xml’.
- Click import/upload.