Overview of RESTful API - syncsort_capacity_management - Latest

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Guide
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This document steps you through the process of using a Syncsort™ Capacity Management Data Connector to collect data from your implementation of the RESTful API.

It does NOT teach you to create scripts using C# or handle JSON or XML data returning from RESTful API connections. The Data Connector includes the scripts which should not require any modification, you only need to input fields required to connect to you instance of the API.

RESTful API Templates in Integrator enable you to define a data structure that the Syncsort™ Capacity Management Control Center can use to pull information directly from a specified REST source. The information being retrieved by an individual Template can be one of two types:

  • Instance Information: An Instance is an entity about which information is captured and held; for example, machine, device, command or user. RESTful API Templates can therefore be used to identify available Instances.

  • Data: The primary purpose of the Integrator is to enable you to define a data structure to hold information not provided by sources other than the Syncsort™ Capacity Management Acquires. A RESTful API Data Collector Template allows you to configure such a structure for data retrieved from a REST source.

To create a RESTful API Template, you need to specify where the information is collected from, how it is collected, and what it represents. Within the Integrator Portal page, the RESTful API Template Maintenance screen consists of sections enabling you to define this information:

  • Header: Contains top level, descriptive information about the Template.

  • Authentication: Contains the details required to login to the remote application or service to retrieve the required information.

  • Request: Contains the details of the actual RESTful API query; the type of Request (GET or POST), the specific URL and any additional Headers, Body, and Placeholders.

  • Conversion: Contains a C# script which converts the results of the API request into a standard Data Table which can be used to define how the information is to be held in the Capacity Database.

  • Data: Contains the definition of how the data retrieved from the API is to be used by Syncsort™ Capacity Management.