Gatekeeper file checking - syncsort_capacity_management - Latest

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Guide

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Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Guide
First publish date

If all the conditions for enabling it are met, the Gatekeeper will check files before they are collected. Collection will be suspended under the following conditions:

Suspension Cause

Error message seen in System Manager

File has no gatekeeper header record e.g. the file was created by an older Acquire but somehow (incorrectly) has a “G” at the start of its name.

File doesn’t have record id '0000' in the first line or may be empty.

Gatekeeper header record is invalid:

  1. Issue creating the file

  2. Corruption of the file during trans­fer to the Windows

  3. File is compressed EBCDIC, transferred in binary

  • Cannot determine the first interval from the record id '0000'.
  • Cannot determine the next expected interval from the record id '0000'.
  • Cannot determine the number of missing intervals from the record id '0000'.
  • Cannot determine the expected file length from the record id '0000'

File has been truncated during transfer from the mainframe.

File size (x bytes) in record id '0000' is not equal to actual file size (y bytes). You should check whether the file is complete.

File contains gaps because SMF/RMF records were possibly missing.

File has missing intervals: <datetime> for <gap length> seconds.

Gap between files. One or more complete files were not created by the Acquire.

There is a time gap between this file and the previously collected file. Expected next interval: <datetime>, Actual next interval: <datetime>.

Note: Most Gatekeeper messages are prefixed with the following text in the System Manager event log area:


When the first file for a target with a 'G' prefix is seen this message will be dis­played:

This is the first Gatekeeper file 'G20180226020000_aszs00010001.1000'


This is just an information message and data will be processed normally.

If you choose to move the GatekeeperNextExpected field in your database on to allow one or more older files through, then a warning message may be displayed for each file collected where the first interval is older than the date and time you have set:

Gatekeeping has been manually overridden with 'datetime'. Any intervals before this time will now be processed regardless of time gaps.