Gatekeeper functionality is only enabled if the following requirements are met:
A Gatekeeper option is used in Acquire for z/OS parameters when creating its output dataset - set a parameter of either PUSHFTP=G or PUSHUCOPY=G.
A dataset containing only z/OS system data is copied to Windows by FTP or similar, to a Windows share, and has a file name of the form:
G<yyyymmddhhmmss>_aszs <tttttttt>.<nnnn>
The files are not Acquire/DASD files (aszd) and are not named as MULTIZOS - they must contain data about a single z/OS target and have a file name with that target number in.
Control Center is collecting the files from a Windows share. If files are being collected using any other collection method (FTP, SSH) then files starting with a G will be ignored.
Created using Acquire for z/OS v11.10.5 or newer. If an older Acquire is used and (incorrectly) is given a 'G' prefix in its name then:
If the files are collected from a Windows share an error will occur, and files will not be collected. Control Center expects Gatekeeper details at the top of each file and these are not created by older versions of Acquire for z/OS.
If the files collected are through FTP or SSH, no error will result, but all the files will be ignored