In order to minimize the risk to Control Center’s ability to keep processing while deletion operations are being carried out, we make the following suggestions and recommendations.
If you are planning to delete a large number of targets:
Turn off Collection from all targets (not just those you are planning to delete)
Allow Control Center to complete processing of all data in the Work\In and Work\Seen directories.
Do not stop the Control Center service, or the deletes will not be actioned.
If you are deleting data manually:
Do so in fairly small pieces - say one or two months for one target at a time.
If you need to delete an entire target:
Delete all the data before attempting to remove the target definition to avoid Control Center lockout problems
If you need to delete larger amounts of data:
Use a Data Management template, and create a Schedule using the Schedule Editor for Data Management.
In the schedule, set the Analysis Period from older to newer data, e.g., if you have 2 years of data to delete, first set the start of the analysis period to “Back 24 months” and the end to “Back 23 months”.
Run the schedule.
Now set the Analysis Period to start “Back 23 months” and end “Back 22 months”, run again, and repeat until all the data has gone.