SQL Server has several collation options for a database - case-sensitive or case-insensitive, aware of accents on letters or not and so on. The creation of a Capacity Database through Data Management or System Manager does not explicitly set a collation so it will take the default set for the SQL Server environment where the database is to be stored. Be sure this is adequate for your needs.
For example if you need to store data about a system called ProductionServer and understand this is something different from one called PRODUCTIONSERVER then you should consider using a case-sensitive database.
If this was entered in a case-insensitive database, for the same date/time/interval Control Center would complain of a duplicate key.
In general a case-insensitive database will be perfectly fine to use, but as you cannot change from one collation to another (or at least is it is very difficult to do) when you have made your choice you will have to stick to it.