4 vCPUs
8GB RAM minimum (16GB or above preferred)
~150GB available disk space (SSD preferred)
Physically located close to the Capacity Database to minimize the network latency
The following table gives an estimate of the number of CPU GHz that the Control Center server needs in order to process data from 100 targets of a particular type.
The Acquires for z/OS and z/VM run infrequently, typically once per hour or day, so there is often a large but relatively short processing load, which Syncsort Capacity Management should be able to handle in the “average 50% free” capacity.
For example, the data processing frequencies we would expect to achieve using a single Control Center as described above are:
500 UNIX/Linux targets capturing every 5 minutes
500 individual Integrator targets capturing every 1 minute.
The spare capacity of this configuration can absorb data collection from targets once a day or less without significant impact. Additional processing requires more resources or more Control Centers as shown in a large configuration.