You can store multiple credentials in one client wallet. For example, if a client batch job connects to hr_database and a script connects to sales_database, then you can store the login credentials in the same client wallet. You cannot, however, store multiple credentials (for logging in to multiple schemas) for the same database in the same wallet. If you have multiple login credentials for the same database, then they must be stored in separate wallets.
To add database login credentials to an existing client wallet, enter the following command at the command line:
mkstore -wrl <wallet_location> -createCredential <db_alias>
<oracleusername> <password>
wallet_location is the path to the directory where the client wallet to which you want to add credentials is stored.
db_alias can be the TNS alias you use to specify the database in the tnsnames.ora file or any service name you use to identify the database on an Oracle network; For examples, using EZConnect the alias can be hostname/servicename.
The username and password are the database login credentials for the schema to which your application connects.