When working with data from Velocity Software’s product, it is assumed you have already undertaken any user or guest grouping and no further grouping is performed by Acquire.
When working with native z/VM MONITOR data, by default Acquire creates one workload component for each z/VM guest or user (they mean the same thing).
You can provide control cards to Acquire to let you group together guest activity into a workload with a name of your choosing, e.g., you may have several Linux guests called LINWEB01, LINWEB02, LINBWEB03 etc that all form part of a load-balanced web-serving application. You can create a workload and associate all the Linux guests with it by using control cards like this:
You can define up to 100 workloads, each with up to 100 guest masks.
If you create workloads you can also choose to create a remainder workload, that is, everything that does not match your workload criteria. If you include a control card of REMAINDER=Y, then everything not matching will go into an automatically created additional workload called THE-REST. If you do not this, any guest that is unmatched by a workload will be present in the Syncsort™ Capacity Management data as if each were a separate workload. To avoid confusion between workload names you have defined and genuine z/VM guest names, workload names are prefixed W_ in the Capacity Database; e.g., WORKLOAD=WEBSERVE would appear as W_WEBSERVE whereas a user called CMS1 would be recorded as CMS1 in the database.